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Welcome to the Big Wishlist! If you want your hero added to the list, simply make a post HERE!
The list prints all the heroes out in random order, to give every hero a chance to shine! (use CTRL+F to search)
Simply vote for the character(s) you wish that Blizzard should add to the game!

It's confirmed, Blizzard is peaking at the list guys! Keep voting!

Othmar Garithos

Othmar Garithos is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24


Gul'Dan is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22


Amon is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23


Fizzle is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30

Alexandros Mograine - Ashbringer

Alexandros Mograine is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24


Medics are a type of unit from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2014-01-13


Ymiron is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-27


Zul'jin is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-28

Teron Gorefiend

Teron Gorefiend "The first Death Knight" is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brixus - 2013-11-24

Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina Proudmoore is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brorgyll - 2013-11-22


Monk is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-26

Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Tychus Findlay

Tychus Findlay is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23

Ragnaros the Firelord

Ragnaros the Firelord is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Warkima - 2013-11-28

Putricide Professor

Professor Putricide is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30

Lady Vashj

Lady Vashj is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krhaum - 2013-11-23

Deathwing the Destroyer

Deathwing the Destroyer is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by jbrenner - 2013-11-26


Auriel is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22


Baal is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Bjarngrim General

General Bjarngrim is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by thehavok2 - 2013-11-25


Blademaster is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27


Mephisto is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22


Firelord is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27


Dehaka is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by LegatoCoyote - 2013-11-22

Kyle Vlaros

Kyle Vlaros is a characters from the old Blizzard game "Blackthrone" - Suggested by Unwashedfox - 2013-11-30


Gruul is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24


Necromancer is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-22

Aedelas Blackmoore

Aedelas Blackmoore is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23

Sylvanas Windrunner

Sylvanas is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21


Trag'oul is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Leoric is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

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Bartuc the Bloody Nahled

Bartuc the Bloody Nahled is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Quadpvp - 2013-12-13


Sargeras is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22

Kormac the Templar

Kormac the Templar is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Volkhan is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-30

Rexxar Champion of the Horde

Rexxar is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21

Hemet Nesingwary

Hemet Nesingwary is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-22

Chogall Leader of Twilights Hammer

Cho'gall is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24


Gymer is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-30


FarSeer is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27

Genn Greymane

Genn Greymane is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-27


Phoenix is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-26


Selendis is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Targaryen - 2013-12-05


Succubus is a race from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30

Lei Shen

Lei Shen is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

Pit Lord

Pit Lord is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-23

Kelthuzad The Archlich

Kel'thuzad is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

Putress Grand Apothecary

Grand Apothecary Putress is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30

Jastor Gallywix

Jastor Gallywix is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Doomguard is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22


Duriel is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Xuen the White Tiger

Xuen the White Tiger is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Elanos - 2013-11-30

Durotan son of Garad

Durotan is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30


Andariel is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Niuzao the Black Ox

Niuzao the Black Ox is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Elanos - 2013-11-30


Akama is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brixus - 2013-11-24

Horace Warfield

Horace Warfield is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Aldernade - 2013-11-30

Grommash Hellscream

Grommash Hellscream is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22


Ooze is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30


High Overlord Saurfang is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

TheLostVikings Eric, Baelog, Olaf

Those three are characters from the old Blizzard game "The Lost Vikings" - Suggested by fasz - 2013-11-22

Bolvar Fordragon

Bolvar Fordragon is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23


Kil'jaedan is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24


Imperius is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Vincent Godfrey

Lord Vincent Godfrey is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Iceembaby - 2013-11-23

Dwarven Rifleman

Dwarven Rifleman is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-30

Valerian Mengsk

Valerian Mengsk is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by jim23988 - 2013-12-05

Chen Stormstrout

Chen Stormstrout is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21

Rokhan the Shadow Hunter

Rokhan is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-22

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Aviana the Lady Raven

Aviana is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by maxilian - 2014-01-13

Chi-Ji the Red Crane

Chi-Ji the Red Crane is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Elanos - 2013-11-30


Harpy is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krhaum - 2013-11-23

Cairne Bloodhoof

Cairne Bloodhoof is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-22

Anduin Lothar

Andruin Lothar is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27

Wrynn Anduin

Wrynn Anduin is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-27

Elune the Mother of Moon

Elune the Mother of Moon is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krhaum - 2013-11-23

Topper McNabb

Topper McNabb is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24

Nozdormu the Master of Time

Nozdormu is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Najumo - 2014-01-13

Archmage Antonidus

Archmage Antonidus is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brixus - 2013-11-24


In 1993 Blizzard actually made a SNES game called "The Death and Return of Superman" - Suggested by Unwashedfox - 2014-01-13


Archimonde is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by lev948 - 2013-11-24


Bloodmage is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27


Ogre is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22


Izual is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23


Tarrasque is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Bumm1987 - 2013-11-30

Muradin Bronzebeard

Muradin is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21

Yogg-Saron the God of Death

Yogg-Saron is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by maxilian - 2014-01-13

Varian Wrynn

King Varian Wrynn is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

Nerzhul Lich King

Ner'zhul (spirit of Lich King) is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24


Medivh is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22


Sha are creatures from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Elanos - 2013-11-30

Turalyon High General of the Alliance

General Turalyon is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-30

Algalon the Observer

Algalon the Observer is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by paraalso - 2013-11-27

Ysera the Awakened

Ysera the Awakened is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Elanos - 2013-11-30


Griswold is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Maeiv Shadowsong

Maeiv Shadowsong is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24


Rakanoth is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23


Zurvan is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23

Headless Horseman

Headless Horseman is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-24

Lord Jaraxxus

Lord Jaraxxus is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-23


Valeera is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-27


Tinker is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brixus - 2013-11-24

Kilrogg Chieftain of the Bleeding Hollow

Kilrogg is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Belial is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22

Malthael Archangel of Wisdom

Malthael Archangel of Wisdom is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Egrem - 2013-11-26


Blackhand is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30


Haramad is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Paladin is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27

Garrosh Hellscream

Garrosh Hellscream is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-23


Dreadlord is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-27

Arcturus Mengsk

Arcturus Mengsk is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by dezaH - 2013-11-23

Orgrim Doomhammer

Orgrim Doomhammer is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by koulisfe - 2013-11-22

Xavius the First Satyr

Xavius the First Satyr is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27

Hybrid Reaver

Hybrid Reaver is a race from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by RearTheFeaper - 2014-01-13

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Murmur is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by maxilian - 2014-01-13


Azmodan is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by SuperHeroes - 2013-11-22


Zeratul is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-21


Mal'Ganis is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30

Voljin the Shadow Hunter

Vol'jin is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21


Steelbreaker is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Hobbilis - 2013-11-25


Terokk is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27

Kaelthas Sunstrider

Kael'thas is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Krhaum - 2013-11-23

Lyndon the Scoundrel

Lyndon the Scoundrel is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27

Alexei Stukov

Infested Alexei Stukov is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by LegatoCoyote - 2013-11-22


Fenix is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Krunk - 2013-11-26

Eirena the Enchantress

Eirena the Enchantress is a character from the Diablo franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27

Gabriel Tosh

Gabriel Tosh is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by Mutterscrawl - 2013-11-27


Magtheridon is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Brixus - 2013-11-24

Hogger the Kingslayer

Hogger is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by MathTony - 2013-11-22


Varimathras is a character from the Warcraft franchise - Suggested by Avelansh - 2013-11-30


Gyrocopter is a character from the Warcraft franchise (almost confirmed) - Suggested by FrostStorm - 2013-11-21


Samir is a character from the Starcraft franchise - Suggested by LegatoCoyote - 2013-11-22